MedFiles has partnered with a number of Practitioners(GP's), Specialist, Clinics, Emergency Rooms's, Pharmarcies and Hospitals to provide a dense network of medical professionals who can contribute notes to a patients treatment record/history. In addition the the Online medical record service offered by MedFiles, we have a few other services that will present a convenience to both the general public and to the medical community:
This is a tool that you can use to create, update, keep track and access your health record anywhere, anytime and in any part of the world. It is a tool where confidentiality, security and convenience issues are highly considered.
We have done an extensive look up of medical practitioners through out the country and compliled a comprehensive database which is accessible to the public at a click of a button for their convenience
In partnership with a number of pharmacies we are able in near realtime able to help you locate your presciption drugs and save you the hassle of going from one pharmacy to another
Patients can sign up to monitor and access their medical record as it gets updated by thier doctors.
Physicians and Medical Insitutions can also sign up to become part of our ever growing network
This is a tool that you can use to create, update, keep track and access your health record anywhere, anytime and in any part of the world. It is a tool where confidentiality, security and convenience issues are highly considered. It was carefully designed by healthcare professionals with an ultimate aim of improving patient continuity of care and hence quality of care. MedFiles is different from an electronic medical record (EMR) in the sense that it gives the patient who is the owner of the medical record the keys to their health record. Patients can decide on what they want to upload on their medical files. They can omit what they feel is very personal. They have the keys to record access in the form of a PIN code. Health care providers can only access a patient’s record only after a patient’s consent through entrance of a patient PIN code. After seeing a medical practitioner or getting laboratory results, a patient can ask the clinic nurse to assist upload new data or they can enter it by themselves and save for future reference.
MedFiles has partnered with a number of Practitioners(GP's), Specialist, Clinics, Emergency Rooms's, Pharmarcies and Hospitals to provide a dense network of medical professionals who can contribute notes to a patients treatment record/history
Find doctors, dentists, pharmacies, hospitals, etc.
Find drugs and check availability and price in pharmarcies near you. This tool is accessible to subscribed members. It enables them to search any prescribed drug, medical supply or service by selling mode, price and location. This will link members to the pharmacy or shop with their drug or accessory of need.
+263 719 783 783
+263 771 176 910